Burj AL Arab

0.9دك 3دك
  • رمز السلعة: PP00180
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Have fun creating one of the World's greatest architecture with your family and friends.
These architectural 3 dimensional cardboard models take approximately 1-2 hours to assemble.
Recreate the famous monument with this high quality and detailed model. Full instructions are included.

Easyfit technology means no tools or glue required. Just pop out the cardboard pieces and slot them together using the instructions.

A highly detailed replica of one of the World's greatest architecture
Puzzle parts are made from foam board and high quality printed card
No tools or glue required

كن صاحب أول تقييم “Burj AL Arab”

لن يتم نشر بريدك الالكتروني. الخانات المطلوبة معينة بعلامة النجمة *