The Quest Pyramid is an interactive pyramid with various puzzles that have to be solved one by one in order to open the pyramid. In other words, an escape room in a handy format! Nothing is based on randomness, only on logical decisions.
Goal: Open the pyramid and reveal the secret that lies dormant in it. By cleverly combining and shifting the various mechanisms, you will always come closer to the solution. The pyramid can always be returned to its initial state and released by others.
If you don't know what to do next, simply scan the QR code provided. This will take you to a website full of tips & tricks that will help you solve the riddle. Don't worry: we won't make it too easy for you! But the quest pyramid will also present advanced users with a tough challenge: Are you smart enough to uncover the secret of the burial chamber?
The pyramid is delivered in an assembled state so that you can start puzzling right away!
Use as gift packaging: Are you looking for creative packaging for a gift of money, small Christmas gift, or jewellery? Then this is perfect. The puzzle pyramid features a 5 x 5 x 5 cm burial chamber, which can only be opened once you have solved all the challenging puzzles!
Assembled Size: 19 cm x 19 cm x 10 cm
Pieces: 63 individual pieces, handcrafted from high quality birch wood
Model Weight: 830 grams
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