This tugboat model kit features a rubber-band motor that transfers energy to an asymmetrical wheel pair and a drive wheel. The asymmetrical design of the wheel pair replicates the side-to-side rocking motion of a real tugboat out on the water. A pendulum smooths and slows that motion while simulating the sound of a diesel motor, giving you an experience that is as close to the real thing as a small model can be. A start lever engages the motor and a stop lever shuts it down. The open design and moveable parts allow you to control the motion of the tugboat and make it easy to replace or repair important components.
The striking appearance of this boat is certainly eye-catching, but the intricate and realistic design of the tugboat is not just for aesthetics. This is a tugboat model kit that actually tugs. Use the hooks, ropes, and thread to tow small, lightweight objects, such as paper boats or smaller wheeled models. The rubber-band mechanism gives it enough power to move from 1.5 to 3 meters, depending on the type of surface.
Illustrated instructions
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