Horse Mechanoid

12.6دك 18دك
  • رمز السلعة: PP00050
  • التوافر: 1 متوفر
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The UGears Horse-Mechanoid pays tribute to a majestic animal by creating a fully functional model. Featuring extra support and anatomical correctness to ensure stability on the move, this model's innovative mechanisms are all created with sustainable, high-grade wood. Laser-cut precision ensures joints and movements that are very close to that of a real horse, and the gears, cranks, and rubber bands of the model work with gravity to give it its power. In fact, this model is so functional that its head even sways when it moves. In the chest, you'll find an oscillating pendulum that works as the horse's bionic heart. This heart transmits the rubber band's energy to create the movement you'll love in this model. Of course, UGears' traditional design means you get to see everything working inside the horse while it's on the move.


Kit Contents
Wooden sheets
Rubber Bands

Illustrated instructions

Assembled Size13.8 x 11.4 x 4.7 in
Pieces: 410
Model Weight: pounds
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