
10.85دك 15.5دك
  • رمز السلعة: PP00070
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If you admire the creativity and ingenuity of early 20th century transportation prototypes, the UGears Monowheel kit will make a great addition to your model collection. Based on early designs that were either unmanned or that accommodated single driver-passengers, this all-wood model reflects the intricate working designs of the originals. It has two working modes that allow you to see the monowheel in action. One mode leaves the feet unlocked, letting the monowheel travel up to 5 meters or until it encounters an obstacle. The other mode keeps the feet locked, letting it roll up to 2 meters before turning and stopping.


The UGears Monowheel kit comes with everything you need to build. The pieces are carefully cut to fit together precisely, so no glue is required. After the challenging assembly, this puzzle works as a fully functional safe, perfect for trinkets and small surprises.


Kit Contents
Wooden Sheets
Illustrated instructions

Assembled Size: 7.3 x 3.7 x 6.3 inches

Pieces: 300
Model Weight: 1.55 pounds
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