Bike VM-2

8.4دك 12دك
  • رمز السلعة: PP00072
  • التوافر: 2 متوفر
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U Gears specializes in mechanical models, which means the UGears Bike VM-02 is far more than a display piece that will collect dust on a shelf. As a matter of fact, this model is designed to be fully functional so you can give it a test drive when you're done putting it together.  The Bike VM-02 is driven by a powerful rubber band motor that makes the motorcycle ride for as much as 3 meters in one winding. The energy produced by the motor is transmitted by a belt drive to the mechanism. The design of the Bike allows you to observe the work of the mechanism, including the moving pistons that look absolutely fascinating. The wide back wheel ensures that the model is steady and won’t tip over and turning handlebars send your bike in whatever direction you choose making your ride even more exciting. When you reach your final destination and it is time to park your motorcycle, use a center stand to set the model on the shelf.


 The VM-02 bike kit comes with everything you need to build this amazing model. The pieces are carefully cut to fit together precisely, so no glue is required. Each of the laser-cut pieces is made of plywood board, and all the small details are individual pieces that fit together like a puzzle. This means that you do not need glue or any special tools to assemble your self-propelled classic bicycle.


Kit Contents
Wooden Sheets
Rubber Bands
Illustrated instructions

Assembled Size: 10.1 x 3.3 x 4.1 inches
Pieces: 189
Model Weight: 1.03 pounds
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