Date Navigator

2.45دك 3.5دك
  • رمز السلعة: PP00087
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Everyone is faced with the question when planning activities during a week: what day of the week it is going to be? Usually we look at a smartphone or a datebook, well no more.

Surprise your family, friends and colleagues with an original mechanical calendar-navigator that is also built by your own hands!

The Ugears Date Navigator is a super cool mechanical calendar that has a beautiful Steampunk planetary mechanism inside and your it will be your daily companion to keep track of your adventure and activities in 2017-2044. Just set the year and month you need and find out what day of the week it is going to be. 

The kits contains pre-cut pieces for easy assembly without glue or special tools.


Kit Contents
Wooden Sheets
Illustrated instructions

Model Size: 4.1 x 3.9 x 0.7 inches
Pieces:  21
Model Weight: 0.18 pounds
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