Windstorm Dragon

13.3دك 19دك
  • رمز السلعة: PP00195
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Meet the glorious Windstorm Dragon, the latest 3D puzzle and mechanical model from UGEARS. This miniature of a mystical reptile is an exquisite addition to our automaton DIY kits for adults

The wooden dragon model exposes its beating rubber band-powered mechanical heart so you can explore the mysteries of mechanics


Use a winding key in the frontal part of its chest in order to put the creature in motion. Rotate the key clockwise while holding the dragon by its body. Pull the start lever and release the rubber-band motor, which will put all the Dragon’s paws and its whole body in motion. A pair of spectacular powerful wings deserve a closer look: the skeletal parts of are wooden, but the wing membrane is made from colorful feathery paper. Due to the soft and flexible membrane, the movements of the wings look extremely realistic and capture your imagination.

Everything you need to complete the kit is included in the box, and the assembly doesn't require any glue or fasteners.

Kit Contents
Wooden Sheets
Rubber Bands 
Illustrated instructions


Model Size: 53 x 48.5 x 29 centimeters

Pieces: 340
Model Weight: 720 Grams

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