STEM Gearbox

4.9دك 7دك
  • رمز السلعة: PP00198
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The UGears Gearbox is an outstanding kit from the series. Its key advantage is, of course, is that its purpose is very obvious. It is a 4-speed manual gearbox that is a part of a car transmission mechanism. The role of a gearbox is to transfer torque from the engine’s shaft to the vehicle’s wheels.

The model consists of the following parts: Gear Shifting Level, Layshaft with Gear Couplings, Reverse Idle Gear Bearing, Drive Shaft, and Actuator Handle. The four gears that are featured in this model are I, II, III, and Reverse, with III being the fastest one and Idle allowing both clutch gears to remain uncoupled. The clockwise rotation of the Actuator Handle rotates the Layshaft and Drive Shaft. You can manually select the speed and watch the rotation. Switching to Reverse will make the Layshaft and all the gears rotate in the opposite direction.

One of the key innovative traits of the UGears STEM-lab series is the augmented reality (AR) feature. To activate it, simply download the STEM Lab app on your phone and tablet and then point it at the newly-assembled set. The app will reveal all the ways in which the mechanism is used in real life.

Everything you need to complete the kit is included in the box, and the assembly doesn't require any glue or fasteners.

Kit Contents
Wooden Sheets
Rubber Bands

Illustrated instructions


Model Size: 5.12 x 3.94 x 4.33 inches

Pieces: 120
Model Weight: 14.4 ounces

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