Combination Lock

6.3دك 9دك
  • رمز السلعة: PP00088
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Did you know the first combination lock may have been invented in ancient Athens as early as 100 BC? The design was then updated in 1206 by the legendary engineer Al-Jazari, and again in 1841 by J.B. Gray. People have been using locks to protect their secrets for millennia. Today, you can join the ranks of those historical tinkerers and learn all about the intricacies of combination lock systems by putting one together yourself!


A customizable 3-digit system allows you to craft over 1000 number combinations. Challenge your friends, family, or classroom to crack the code! Learn and teach yourself and others about combination theorem to figure out the three numbers from scratch or hide clues in an exciting secret agent scavenger hunt.


The model consists of two parts, a lock and a small storage compartment. Stash your hidden treasure in the compartment to keep it safe from others or to motivate would-be codebreakers with the promise of a prize. For personal use, the compartment can hide keys, cash, or other small items. The model even has a convenient eyelet for easy fixture to a backpack, purse, or other bag.


The model required no messy glue and no cumbersome tools to assemble, making for a hassle-free construction with the help of the detailed step-by-step instructions included.


Kit Contents
Wooden Sheets
Illustrated instructions

Model Size: 3.8 x 2.6 x 3.9 inches
Pieces:  34
Model Weight: 0.8 pounds
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