The butterfly not only looks elegant on its own but can also
be wound with a simple rubber band motor to bring it to life with gentle wing
beats that beautifully imitate the flutters of its living counterparts. No
glue, tools or external power sources are required; the kit comes with
everything needed. Since the pieces fully interlock, the model can be built
right away.
Start by gently removing the pre-cut natural plywood pieces
from the sheets. Follow the included instructions or a UGears online tutorial
to press each piece into place. Each section, the butterfly, stand and flower,
is built separately and then attached with nearly invisible wooden clasps to
keep everything in place. Once the rest of the model is built, choose between
the pre-colored wings or color in your own to personalize the project. The
beige wings come primed and ready for paint or other media.
Illustrated instructions
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